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lunch time colloquium, winter term 23, 24


The lunchtime colloquium (“ltc”) of the gd:c continues in the winter term. The first session will take place on 24 October. The colloquium takes place on Tuesdays from 11.30 am to 1 pm at the library of the Research Centre.

You can download the programme of the lunchtime colloquium here

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November 2023, Meet The Memory Person – a collaborative remembrance project

Meet The Memory Person - a collaborative remembrance project: open studio, workshop and conversation (Venue: FLORIDA Lothringer 13 81667 München, Ein Kunstraum der Stadt München)

Artistic concept: Franziska Windolf

Curation: Mareike Schwarz

Munich’s Florida organisation will host Meet the Memory Person, a gathering to develop and envision the future of the collaborative and performative monument, initiated in Giesing in 2023 and dedicated to artists of all kinds who are living in exile or have migrate(d) to/from Munich, in particular Giesing. Workshop: Sunday, 12.11.2023, 11am-3pm The event starts with a workshop featuring creative guests from Giesing who have a connection to migration and exile and have encountered the Memory Person during their public performances. Open studio: to further extend collaboration on the monument, everyone is welcome to register for the 'Open Studio' from Monday, 13.11.23 - Saturday, 18.11.23. Materials and tools are available, and the artist will be present and looking forward to conversation and creativity. Contact franzi.windolf@posteo.de. Conversation: Sunday, 19.11.23, 5pm With Burcu Dogramaci, Laura Bruns, Cathrine Bublatzky, Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Franziska Windolf. This event will also launch the Meet The Memory Person catalogue, with drinks and snacks!
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12 November, Global Munich at ausarten Festival


Stay strong meets Global Munich – the arts, politics & mental health

Sunday, 12 November 2023, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Fat Cat, Kellerstraße 8a, 81667 Munich Featuring artistic performances by DUGU TIGUI & TALKING PEOPLE   Art is multifaceted, both in its forms of expression and in what it conveys. Art showcases, processes and triggers emotions, while also discussing societal and political issues. On a panel at the ausARTen Festival 2023, the intersections of artistic activity, political activism and mental health will be addressed. The panel guests will explore these connections from different perspectives and compare practical experiences and theory.   Moderator: Ipek Akti   Featuring: Queen Lizzy: a musician, model, activist and co-organiser of the major Black Lives Matter protest in 2020.   Shukria Sufi is an Afghan psychologist currently working with Caritas and Refugio Munich. She studied psychology at Kabul University in Afghanistan. She is a trauma specialist and has trained more than 100 doctors, nurses, police officers, religious leaders and staff from various INGOs and NGOs in trauma sensitivity.   Yumn Ammar is a media producer, podcaster and moderator with a migration background. She is particularly active in the fields of anti-racism and inclusion.   Sophie Eisenried is a researcher at the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect of the LMU. She focuses on art theory, artistic practices, interventions related to class and gender, institutional critique and, in particular, the connection between social and political movements and art.
A conversation about memory and theatre practice with Kevin Ostoyich Sunday, 12 November 2023, 3:00pm - 5:30pm Location: Fat Cat, Kellerstraße 8a, 81667 München   The ausARTen Festival 2023 workshop with Kevin Ostoyich, associated fellow at global dis:connect, offers a unique opportunity to engage with a renowned scholar and theatre practitioner. Ostoyich specialises in the connection between memory and theatre, particularly in relation to the Holocaust. He is known for transforming historical sources and memories into a compelling and moving theatrical experiences.   Workshop content: Memory and history: Ostoyich explains his approach to memory and historical theatre. Practical exercises: participants can contribute their own experiences and ideas to encourage creative thinking and dialogue. Analysis of theatre plays: Ostoyich presents his own plays based on historical sources and discusses their role in conveying history. Discussion and exchange: Q&A with Kevin Ostoyich.
  Click here to download the complete festival programme.   Continue Reading

6 November, Gelingende Kommunikation zwischen Gesellschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft

  On 6 November, practitioners from all areas of science communication met at CAS@LMU to discuss the current state of the field, persisting challenges as well as possible ways to overcome them. A particular focus of the exchange rested on the role and perspectives of the Humanities in the broader field of science communication.     Organisers: Roland Wenzlhuemer and Bernhard Goodwin Venue: Center for Advanced Studies LMU Munich Continue Reading

11-13 October, gd:c annual conference

'All stories at least are not the same': dis:connectivities in global knowledge production

The creation, provision and application of knowledge depends on subjects, geographies, events and wider contexts. ‘All stories at least are not the same’, noted the writer Bernadette Meyer in 1968 in her volume Story, in which various novellas intertwine. Taking stories as diverse and non-hierarchical forms of producing and transferring knowledge, Meyer’s statement could be adapted as follows: knowledge as the totality of one’s abilities moves and is moved — between continents, regions, countries and societal contexts. Educational institutions, publishing houses, companies and state institutions, as well as social groups and individuals, organise and archive knowledge stocks, and they translate, convey and re-contextualise them in (global) transfers. These processes cannot be reduced to a linear narrative of boundless, irrevocable epistemic globalisation of permanently increased interconnectedness and universal availability. Rather, transnational and transcultural knowledge production is articulated precisely in dissonant registers as, for example, through interruption, absence and digression.

Not least due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the realignment of geopolitical blocs, political think tanks, editorials and other opinion leaders have recently postulated increasing ‘deglobalisation’. However, instances of dis:connectivity that emerge through various forms of interruption, absence and detours can also be understood as foundational dynamics of historical and contemporary globalisation. Dis:connectivity means the coexistence of non-connection and connection as, for example, in constellations of local and global knowledge and of traditional/indigenous and futuristic/technological knowledge production. Our perspective on dis:connectivity thus necessarily includes hierarchies, power relations and inherent norms of global knowledge circulation.

The dis:connective conditions of global knowledge production are the starting point of our centre’s second annual conference, which is divided into three sessions — unlocking knowledge, bodies of knowledge and challeging knowledge — with visits to Munich museums and cinema.


Nikolai Brandes and Burcu Dogramaci


Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, Maria-Theresia-Str. 21 81675 Munich

Arena Kino, Hans-Sachs-Str. 7 80469 Munich

Haus der Kunst, Prinzregentenstr. 1 80538 Munich

Stadtmuseum, Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 1 80331 Munich


Please register by 4 October HERE.


Please click HERE to download the programme and HERE for the conference report by Dogukan Akbas and Peter Seeland.

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7-8 September, Theatre, globalisation and illiberal regimes after 1989

The war in the Ukraine has highlighted the globalising propensities of non-democratic states such as Russia, China and Iran. There is a strong sense that illiberal, global interconnections are being (re)forged. These alternative globalisations are reflected in the dynamics of specific theatre cultures and are rooted in the trans-continental links established during the Cold War.

Patterns developed since the 1970s have carried over into the post-1989 period. Western-guided globalisation has hardly been ‘the only game in town’ in recent decades. The workshop therefore raises the fundamental question of how to approach theatre history and non-Western-centric interconnectedness after 1989.

Practioners and scholars will gather to discuss the relationship between global trajectories of illiberal regimes and their theatre cultures following the Cold War. The workshop engages with a variety of cases from the illiberal spectrum – from one-party states to theocracies and various forms of authoritarianism (competitive or one-person rule). The proceedings will focus on genealogies, commonalities and differences among various global engagements. We explore the role of theatre in the international configuration of illiberalisms in the post-Cold War world.



Viviana Iacob



Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect Maria-Theresia-Str. 21 81675 Munich

Please register by 1 September HERE.

Please click HERE to download the programme.

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24-27 July, global dis:connect Summer School 2023: Sea of absence? Globalisation, the Mediterranean and beyond


From 24-27 July, global dis:connect will welcome MA, doctoral students and creative professionals in all stages of their careers for a summer school on the absences produced by globalisation processes, focusing on the Mediterranean, particularly on the aspects of migration, tourism and (post)coloniality, in the past, present and future.

Like globalisation research generally, some of the most famous scholarship on the Mediterranean Sea has focused on the different connections that bind the ‘Middle Sea’ together (Braudel, 1949; Horden & Purcell, 2000). Its connections, however, have also created and obfuscated many absences: of people, of cultural belonging, of institutions, of personal and collective memories, of regions, of (art) objects, in archives, epistemologies, discourses, in stories and representations of and about the Mediterranean, and finally in our scholarship.

The summer school combines subjects such as art history, history, social sciences, media and film studies, theatre studies, literary and cultural studies with artistic approaches. It will allow the participants to present their own projects and will feature several master classes by renowned scholars, as well as art and film presentations.

  Organisers: Hanni Geiger and Tom Menger, Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect.  

Please note: the summer school is a closed event. Parallel to the summer school, global dis:connect is however hosting another event on the Mediterranean: an evening lecture by Eva Meyer and Eran Schaerf on the subject of ‘Migratory mindset and Levantine cosmopolis’, taking place at the Centre on 26 July (18.30). This event is open to everyone, for more information click here.

Please click here to download the programme.
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25–28 July 2023, Summer School: Britain, the British Empire and Migration

Migration has always been a part of human history and is a central feature of the modern world. In fact, the world which we inhabit today is unimaginable without large-scale movements of populations, groups, and communities across the globe. Contemporary rhetoric on migration tends to focus exclusively on migration into Britain and immigration is a politically volatile subject in current public discourse in most European nations. However, historically in the case of Britain and the British Empire, migration also meant emigration from Britain into what are described as settler colonies. Like other contemporary European empires, the British Empire was made possible by large-scale migration and became a platform for migrant populations across the world. This summer school will engage with British and imperial inward and outward migration from the nineteenth century until today.   Our tutors, the eminent scholars Marjory Harper (Professor in History, University of Aberdeen) and Gurminder K. Bhambra (Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies in International Relations, University of Sussex) will discuss key questions related to migration such as causes and experiences of emigration as well as questions of citizenship and the history of migration as a fundamental link between national and imperial history. Finally, the course will explore how migration in the context of Britain’s imperial past has shaped, and continues to shape, modern Britain. Topic-related excursions in London are planned.  
The summer school is a part of the on-going collaboration between the German Historical Institute London and the Ludwigs-Maximilian University, Munich. The course convenors are Professor Tanja Buehrer (LMU Munich) and Dr Indra Sengupta (GHI London).  
The course will take place at the German Historical Institute London on 25-28 July 2023. It is aimed at advanced BA or MA students of history, English or other related subjects at all German universities. An interest in the history of the British Empire and the history of migration in the modern world is desirable.
  Please click HERE for the call and HERE to download the programme.
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26 July, Reading and discussion with philosopher Eva Meyer and artist Eran Schaerf: Migratory mindset and Levantine cosmopolis

Global dis:connect is honoured to host a reading and discussion with philosopher Eva Meyer and artist Eran Schaerf on the social model of Levantinism, its ambivalences and what it can offer in a globalised world.

The Levantines did not make it into postcolonial discourse, perhaps because they lack the ‘definitional security’ (Adorno) that the coloniser and the colonised seem to possess. For the capitalist market of identities, national territorialism and the East-West ideological partition, the Levantines and their definitional insecurity represent a danger. Going in between, the Levantines indicate an escape route, not from one ideology to another, but away from ideological mindsets altogether. They perform a migratory mindset that makes a difference instead of representing one. We opt to engage with the polyphonic web of Levantinisation instead of letting ourselves be torn apart by globalisation.

The reading takes place in parallel with the global dis:connect summer school entitled Sea of absence? Globalisation, the Mediterranean and beyond.

    When: 18:30 (Doors open at 18:00). Click HERE to download the invitation.  
Where: Maria-Theresia-Strasse 21, 81675 Munich.  
Registration: The event is open to all, but seating is limited, so we kindly request all interested attendees to register HERE.
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10-11 July, Ecology, aesthetics and everyday cultures of modernity

As the Anthropocene charges ahead with its bewildering array of challenges, and numerous debates on ecology and the environment gather steam, it becomes impossible to think of our contemporary existence without paying attention to the presence and legacies of the natural world. This environmental heritage is not only configured ideologically and politically by human beings, but also habitually and aesthetically. Here, the concept of aesthetics operates much more capaciously and ubiquitously than only conveying ideas of taste or judgment, additionally signalling the sensorial, the embodied and the lived. Thinkers working across the disciplines of new materialism, anthropology, sociology, art history, cultural studies, geohumanities, craft studies and environmental humanities have been drawing attention to the dynamic intermingling of natural and cultural spheres, often through the lens of the aesthetic everyday.

This workshop brings together scholars from various areas of interest to deliberate the linkages between ecology, everydayness and aesthetics. Taking the modern period from the 19th century to the present as its broad temporal context, the event sheds a critical and creative light on the manifold ways in which the modern world experiments, challenges and accommodates socio-cultural expressions of ecological aesthetics.

Organisers: Siddharth Pandey   Venue: Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect Maria-Theresia-Str. 21 81675 Munich   Please register by 3 July HERE.   Please click HERE to download the programme.
  You may also download the book of abstracts as well as the bionotes of speakers and respondents.   Please click here to view an online photographic exhibition by the workshop organiser Siddharth Pandey, titled 'Highland Homes: Picturing Dwelling in the Western Himalayas.' The exhibition is an affiliate event to the workshop, and can best be viewed on a laptop or desktop computer. Continue Reading