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Press & peer review

Fellows and resident staff alike are regularly publishing their research results in diverse channels and formats. Until this date, the following publications have come out of the Kolleg.

Publications 2023

Balme, Christopher, and Abdul Karim Hakib, eds. Theatre for Development in Africa: Historical and Institutional Perspectives. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2023.


Balme, Christopher, ed. Performing the Cold War in the Postcolonial World: Theatre, Film, Literature and Things, Routledge Studies in Cultures of the Global Cold War. New York: Routledge, 2023.


Balme, Christopher. ‘Theatre and Globalization: Theoretical and Historical Dimensions’. In The Oxford Handbook of the Global Stage Musical, edited by Robert Gordon and Olaf Jubin, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.


Brandes, Nikolai and Anna-Sophia Nübling. ‘The question is whether there are even two modes of working? A conversation about cooperation between the arts and humanities with Ayşe Güngör and Enis Maci’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023), 69–75. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/40.


Brandes, Nikolai. ‘“Das Ziel waren Wohnungen für die ganze Bevölkerung”. Ein Gespräch mit dem mosambikanischen Architekten Mário do Rosário, der in Maputo die Umsetzung eines der letzten Wohnungsbauprojekte der DDR im Ausland begleitete’. In Architekturexport DDR Zwischen Sansibar und Halensee, edited by Andreas Butter and Thomas Flierl, 56–71. Berlin: Lukas Verlag für Kunst- und Geistesgeschichte, 2023.


Brandes, Nikolai. ‘Tanizaki in Maputo. Japanese cultural theory and the decolonisation of architectural education in Mozambique’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 93–103. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/51.


Brauner, Christina. ‘The Many Lives of African-European Treaties’. In Far From the Truth. Distance and Problem of Credibility in the Early Modern World, edited by Michiel van Groesen and Johannes Müller. Abington: Routledge, 2023.


Bublatzky, Cathrine, and Parastou Forouhar. ‘Alterity in Europe – Occupying Spaces as Feminist Strategy in (Post)Migration Aesthetics: A Conversation’. In Expanding the Parameters of Feminist Artivism, edited by Gillian Hannum and Kyunghee Pyun, 185–203. Cham: Springer, 2023.


Bublatzky, Cathrine. ‘Snapping and Wrapping. Personal Photography in Japan by Richard Chalfen. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press 2021’. Visual Anthropology Review 39, no. 1 (2023), 154–157. https://doi.org/10.1111/var.12282.


Dogramaci, Burcu, and Marta Smolińska, eds. O dzieleniu. Sztuka na granicy (polsko-niemieckiej) / About Sharing. Art on the (Polish-German) Border / Vom Teilen. Kunst an der (deutsch-polnischen) Grenze. Poznań: Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu, 2023.


Dogramaci, Burcu, and Marta Smolińska. ‘O dzieleniu. Sztuka na granicy (polsko-niemieckiej): o strategii kuratorskiej wobec tego, co “ludzkie“, a jednak prawdziwie “obce“ / About curatorial strategies for dealing with something “human” and yet truly “foreign“ / Vom Teilen. Kunst an der (deutsch-polnischen) Grenze: über die kuratorische Strategie gegenüber dem, was “menschlich“ und doch wahrhaft “fremd“ ist’. In O dzieleniu. Sztuka na granicy (polsko-niemieckiej) / About Sharing. Art on the (Polish-German) Border / Vom Teilen. Kunst an der (deutsch-polnischen) Grenze, edited by Burcu Dogramaci and Marta Smolińska, 14–103. Poznań: Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu, 2023.


Dogramaci, Burcu, Ekaterina Aygün, Mareike Hetschold, Laura Karp Lugo, Rachel Lee, and Helene Roth, eds. Urban Exile. Theories, Methods, Research Practices, Bristol: Intellect, 2023. https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/61621.


Dogramaci, Burcu, Hanni Geiger and Änne Söll, eds. ‘dis:connected objects’. Special issue, static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023), https://static.ub.uni-muenchen.de/index.php/static/issue/view/6/5.


Dogramaci, Burcu, Mareike Hetschold, Laura Karp Lugo, Rachel Lee, and Helene Roth. ‘Encountering Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices. An Introduction’. In Urban Exile. Theories, Methods, Research Practices, edited by Burcu Dogramaci, Ekaterina Aygün, Mareike Hetschold, Laura Karp Lugo, Rachel Lee, and Helene Roth, 1–20. Bristol: Intellect, 2023. https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/61621.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Architekturzeitschriften 2022 ff.: Über gestern, heute und morgen als Teil einer gegenwärtigen Gesellschaft publizieren’. kritische berichte 51, no. 1 (2023): Kunstgeschichte kommunizieren, 34–39. https://doi.org/10.11588/kb.2023.1.92825.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Change of Place, Material Relations and Companionship in the Work of Maria Papa Rostkowska’. In Haptyczny Rezonans Materii: Maria Papa Rostkowska. I Gościnie / The Haptic Resonance of Matter: Maria Papa Rostkowska and Female Guests on the Centenary of the Artist’s Birth, 69–82. Exhibition Catalogue Museum of Contemporary Sculpture / Centre of Polish Sculpture, Orońsko: Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej, 2023.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Eine Frau erlebt den roten Alltag written by Lili Körber and designed by John Heartfield (cover): burnt books, exiled authors and dis:connective memories?’, In Dogramaci, Burcu, Hanni Geiger and Änne Söll, eds. ‘dis:connected objects’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023): 45–57, https://doi.org/10.5282/static/38.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Intermezzo in Istanbul. Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky’s Project’s in Turkey’. In Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender. New Perspectives in Her Life and Work, edited by Marcel Bois and Bernadette Reinhold, 132–145. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2023.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Measuring, Statics, and Eugenics. Zionism and Modernity in White City by Dani Gal’. In Taking Measures. Usages of Formats in Film and Video Art, edited by Fabienne Liptay, 277–292. Zurich: Scheidegger & Spies, 2023.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Oturma Odasında. Göçmen Tarzında Düzenleme / Im Wohnzimmer. Vom migrantischen Einrichten’. In Solingen ‘93. Unutturmayacağız! Niemals vergessen! Zum Gedenken an die Mordopfer des Solinger Brandanschlags 1993, edited by Birte Fritsch, Jürgen Joseph Kaumkötter and Hanna Sauer, 50–53. Solingen: Sauer, 2023.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Queering Exile London: Dislocations, Hidden Histories and Gendered Spaces’. In Urban Exile. Theories, Methods, Research Practices, edited by Burcu Dogramaci, Ekaterina Aygün, Mareike Hetschold, Laura Karp Lugo, Rachel Lee, and Helene Roth, 146–168. Bristol: Intellect, 2023. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.2458925.13.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Untouchable Memories. Vom sehenden Begreifen und tastenden Erinnern’. In beyond black, edited by Julia Schewalier, 54–57. Dortmund: Kettler, 2023.


Dogramaci, Burcu. ‘Wohnen mit Stachel. Kaktusfenster, Kakteengefäße und Interieur(-Fotografie) der 1920er Jahre’. In Ästhetische Ordnungen und Politiken des Wohnens, Häusliches und Domestisches in der visuellen Moderne, edited by Nierhaus Irene, and Kathrin Heinz, 114-132. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023.


Ehlers, Felix. ‘Finding Aesthetics Everywhere: Recalling a Workshop on Ecology, Aesthetics and Everyday Cultures of Modernity’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 113–21. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/52.


Eisenried, Sophie. ‘Nomadic Camera: Revisiting a Workshop on Photography and Displacement at gd:c’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 105–11. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/54.


Fleetwood, Lachlan. ‘Histories of habitability from the oikoumene to the Anthropocene’. WIREs Climate Change 14, no. 5 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.840.


Frohne, Andrea. ‘Field Surveys, Western Modernity and Restituted Global Disconnections’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 73–79. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/49.


Geiger, Hanni, and Julian Stalter, eds. Fluidität. Begriffe des digitalen Bildes, vol. 4. München: Open Publishing 2023. https://doi.org/10.5282/ubm/epub.105062.


Geiger, Hanni, Burcu Dogramaci, and Änne Söll, eds. ‘dis:connected objects’. Special issue, static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023). https://static.ub.uni-muenchen.de/index.php/static/issue/view/6/5.


Geiger, Hanni, Burcu Dogramaci, and Änne Söll. ‘Editorial: Dis:connected objects’. Special issue, static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023), 5–7. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/34.


Geiger, Hanni. ‘Hanna Charag-Zuntz’s Levantine ceramics: dis:connecting objects through narratives’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023): 21–33. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/36.


Goebel, Michael. ‘Anticolonialism and Anti-Imperialism’. In The Routledge History of the Interwar World, edited by Heidi Tworek, and Andrew Denning, 569–582. London: Routledge, 2023.


Goebel, Michael. ‘Paris: capitale de l’anti-impérialisme’. In Colonisations. Notre histoire, edited by Pierre Singaravélou et al., 163–165. Paris: Seuil, 2023.


Goebel, Michael. ‘The National and the Colonial in the Anticolonial Transnational’. In The Anticolonial Transnational: Imaginaries, Mobilities, and Networks in the Struggle Against Empire, edited by Erez Manela, and Heather Streets-Salter, 292–305. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.


Huber, Valeska. ‘A Global Choke Point. Revisiting the Suez Canal in the Early 2020s. In Forum Global Dis:connections. Journal of Modern European History 21, no. 1 (2023): 2–33. https://doi.org/10.1177/16118944221148939.


Klein, Gabriele. ‘Routinen: Perspektiven auf einen soziologischen Begriff’. In Routinen im Tanz. Künstlerische Praktiken zwischen Stabilisierung und Destabilisierung. Jahrbuch TanzForschung 2022, edited by Katja Schneider, 19–30. Bielefeld: transcript, 2023. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839468296-002.


Leanza, Matthias. ‘Nach der Dekolonisation: Imperien und Nationen jenseits der Inkompatibilitätsthese’. Leviathan 51, no. 1 (2023): 1–32.


Leanza, Matthias. ‘The Imperial Origins of Nation-States: Revisiting Hannah Arendt’s Genealogy of Totalitarianism’. Sociological Forum 38, no. 1 (2023): 144–168.


Liptay, Fabienne. ‘Politics of Disconnection On the Usages of Formats in Some Works by Stan Douglas’. In Taking Measures: Usages of Formats in Film and Video Art edited by Fabienne Liptay, Carla Gabrí and Laura Walde. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess, 2023: 186-198. https://doi.org/10.53788/TAME0110.


Menger, Tom. ‘Energy Dis:connectivity in Europe’s Oil and Gas Supply’. In Forum Global Dis:connections. Journal of Modern European History 21, no. 1 (2023): 2–33. https://doi.org/10.1177/16118944221148939.


Motadel, David. ‘Is Prussian Militarism a Myth?’. The New York Review of Books (19 October 2023).


Motadel, David. ‘Révolution-Monde et Mondialisation de la Révolution’. In Une Histoire Globale des Révolutions, edited by Ludivine Bantigny, Quentin Deluermoz, Boris Gobille, Laurent Jeanpierre and Eugénia Palieraki, 112–115. Paris: La Découverte, 2023.


Motadel, David. ‘Should historians interpret the past through the prism of the present?’. BBC History (June 2023), 11–13.


Motadel, David. ‘The Political Role of the Historian’. Contemporary European History 32, no. 1 (2023), 38–45.


Motadel, David. ‘The Rise and Fall of Progress: A Postwar Age of Technological Wonders has ended in Disillusionment’. The Times Literary Supplement No. 6266 (5 May 2023).


Ostoyich, Kevin and Kari-Anne. ‘Introducing The Singer of Shanghai’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 9–1. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/46.


Pandey, Siddharth. ‘Himachal Pradesh’s Race for Development is Threatening its Precious Heritage, Ecology’. In Frontline, September 12, 2023.


Puchner, Martin. Culture: The Story of us, from Cave Art to K-Pop. New York: Norton 2023.


Puzon, Katarzyna. ‘Review of “Decolonizing German and European History at the Museum” by Katrin Sieg’. German Historical Institute London Bulletin 45, no. 1 (May 2023): 160–164. https://www.ghil.ac.uk/publications/bulletin/ghil-bulletin-45-2023-no-1.


Puzon, Katarzyna. “‘Goodbye Mshatta”: Connections and Disconnections on Berlin’s Museum Island’. Review of Middle East Studies 56, no. 1 (2023): 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1017/rms.2022.18.


Sandner, Günther and Christopher Burke. ‘Marie Reidemeister und Otto Neurath: eine Lebens- und Arbeitspartnerschaft’. In Gestalterinnen. Frauen, Design und Gesellschaft im Wien der Zwischenkriegszeit, edited by Elana Shapira and Anne-Katrin Rossberg, 213–223. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.


Sandner, Günther. ‘Bringing Happiness. Otto Neurath and the Debates on War Economy, Socialization and Social Economy’. In Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle. 100 Years after the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, edited by Friedrich Stadler, 567–594. Cham: Springer, 2023.


Sandner, Günther. ‘Friendship and Estrangement. Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky and Otto Neurath’. In Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender. New Perspectives on Her Life and Work, edited by Marcel Bois and Bernadette Reinhold, 186–195. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2023.


Seeland, Peter. ‘Atis Rezistans at Documenta 15: St. Kunigundis Meets Haitian Voodoo’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 61–71. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/48.


Seeland, Peter. ‘Looking Back on Global dis:connect’s First Annual Conference: dis:connectivity in Processes of Globalisation: Theories, Methodologies, Explorations’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023): 77–81. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/41.


Sivasundaram, Sujit. ‘Colombo’s Ungreen Green: Between Connection and Disconnection in the Global South Port City”. In Forum Global Dis:connections. Journal of Modern European History 21, no. 1 (2023): 2–33. https://doi.org/10.1177/16118944221148939.


Sivasundaram, Sujit. ‘L’onde de 1848 à travers l’oceán Indien’. In Les mondes de 1848, edited by Quentin Deluermoz, Emmanuel Fureix and Clément Thibaud, 86–101. Ceyzeeu: Champ Vallon, 2023.


Söll, Anne. ‘Liebe Friedel. Briefwechsel Lotte Laserstein und Friedel Haustein’. In 1920! Im Kaleidoskop der Moderne, edited by Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 104–117. Bonn: Sandstein Verlag, 2023.


Söll, Anne. ‘Some Faggy Gestures. Queere Perspektiven der Kunstgeschichte’. In Queerness in der Kunst der frühen Neuzeit, edited by Lisa Hecht and Henrick Ziegler, 31–37. Köln: Böhlau, 2023.


Söll, Anne. ‘The Herrenzimmer: masculinity, the senses and interior design in turn-of-twentieth-century Germany’. In The senses in interior design. Sensorial expressions and experience, edited by John Potvin, Marie-Ève Marchand, and Benoit Beaulieu, 136–151. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.


Söll, Änne. ‘Yvonne Hackenbroch’s birdcage: the experience of Jewish exile and the return as object’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 1 (2023): 35–44. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/37.


Steinau, Christian. ‘Global Munich – a transfer project by global dis:connect’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 123–29. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/53.


Wenzlhuemer, Roland, Tom Menger, Valeska Huber, Heidi J. S. Tworek, Sujit Sivasundaram, Simone M. Müller, Callie Wilkinson, Madeleine Herren, and Martin Dusinberre. ‘Forum Global Dis:Connections’. Journal of Modern European History 21, no. 1 (2023): 2–33. https://doi.org/10.1177/16118944221148939.


Wenzlhuemer, Roland. ‘Dis:connectivity in Global History’. In Globalization: past, present, future, edited by Manfred Steger, Roland Benedikter, Harald Pechlaner and Ingrid Kofler, 11–26. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.172.


Wilkens, Katharina. ‘Religion, African socialism and pan-African dis:connections in the cold war era’. static: thoughts and research from global dis:connect 2, no. 2 (2023): 81–91. https://doi.org/10.5282/static/50.


Wilkinson, Callie. ‘News From the Front: Military Secrecy, Eyewitness Testimony and Global Dis:connections in Wartime’. In Forum Global Dis:onnections. Journal of Modern European History 21, no. 1 (2023): 2–33. https://doi.org/10.1177/16118944221148939.


Windolf, Franziska: Meet the Memory Person. Exhibition Catalogue. Passau: Klinger Verlag, 2023.