
On 24 September, Burcu Dogramaci, art historian and one of the Kolleg’s directors, gave a keynote lecture at the conference “Crossing Borders. Migration and the Visual Arts in Denmark” at the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters in Copenhagen. The keynote „Beyond Boundaries: Migration as a Challenge to Art History" discussed the challenge of bringing dislocation and (art)history together.
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On 16 September, Christopher Balme, theatre scholar and one of the Kolleg’s directors, spoke on “Theatre and globalization” at the Goethe Center, Yeriwan, Armenia.
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On 3 September, Burcu Dogramaci, art historian and one of the Kolleg’s directors, co-delivered a lecture at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Exilforschung at the NS-Dokumentationszentrum in Munich. The talk „Erinnerung findet Stadt. Vergegenwärtigung von Exil an den Orten von einst“ looked at dis:connectivity in the context of memory and exile.
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We are very happy to report that today, global historian Bernhard Schär (formerly ETH Zurich) joins our Kolleg as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow. Bernhard is working on a project entitled: „European Mercenaries in the Dutch Empire. A connected History of Imperial Europe and Colonial Indonesia, c. 1800-1900“. You can learn more about the project here:
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